Day By Day

Monday, December 13, 2010


omigosh its been so long since ive posted!!!!!! im sooooooooooooooo sorry! even though it doesnt look like the blog has been getting much attention lately. hehe it was kinda....umm wierd? when ryan came up and asked us what we thought of bekah. the thing is i have nothing NOTHING against her haha we talked all lunch today...and some people think i like hate her or something but nope:p not me! yep and ummmmmm im really tired and upset because my mom took my phone away today because she said im disrespectful to her. she just yells at me and is all mean and sarcastic and i tell her to stop  being mean but shes like "youre the one upset" busaldkfjlfkjdlfkjsdlkfjsdlkfjdsklfjsdlkfjdklfjdaklfj; kafkasdjf o herjiofjsdiodv hsfiogvndf gfjsgusdoegjlkxdjkvsmdfioartjfgklahroitjsghlpm dfjkhsdklf.cvx.,tj lsfjkljKDJFKASJDOILDKLFJLDKJFLD KDJFLAKSDJFODKFJLDKSFJOWEI RJ,DK JFLEK JFLKFJGLKDHKJDFHKIJkdfjlkdsjfkl kDKJFLAKDSFJDLFJLSKD. i just had to do that...mackie she also said i cant come wednesday! what am i gonna do about deca!?!?!?!? dont worry about it i will ask my daddddddddddddddddd:p its all gonna work out..i mean come on its homework! um but yeah shes so mean to me and i hate it and i tell her i dont like it when she gets mad at me and she just gets so pissy! im serious she is such a pissy person! she came home from being all pampered in california and shes grumpy again! ugh i hate the way she acts sometimes! so yeah thats my life:) today was loadssssssssaaaaaaaaaaa fun! xoxo torrey:P

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