Day By Day

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

my bucket list

My Bucket List ~ xoxo torrey
1.    Go back to Paris…multiple times
2.    Wear couture on a daily basis
3.    Go to a ball with an amazing date
4.    Spend a week at a spa WITHOUT LEAVING
5.    Have my hair done by a celebrity hair stylist…regularly
6.    Go to the Oscars
7.    Get a personal trainer
8.    Be on the cover of a major fashion magazine
9.    Have my picture taken by Patrick Demarchelier
10.  Tell someone the story of my life, sparing no details
11.   Send a message in a bottle
12.   Stay out all night dancing and go to work the next day without having gone home (just once)
13.   Drive a convertible with the top down and music blaring…all alone
14.  Make myself spend a half-day at a concentration camp and swear never to forget
15.  Run a marathon
16.  Have my portrait painted
17.   Learn to rollerblade
18.   Sleep a night in a snow fort I built
19.   Be on a billboard
20.  Learn to say the alphabet backwards really, really fast
21.   Blow bubbles from the Golden Gate Bridge
22.  Live in the Plaza Hotel for a year
23.  Adopt a black African baby
24.  Start an elite charity for something that I actually care about
25.  Have my own private jet
26.  Travel around the world to every major capital
28.  Ride an old, rickety Ferris Wheel with a boy
29.  Own a French bulldog, and buy him equal as many clothes as myself
30.  Own a Mini-Cooper
31.   Customize my license plate to say Fbulous (Fabulous)
32.  Shave my best buddy's legs
33.  Draw smiley faces on post it notes and stick them on the lampposts
34.  Star gaze with a boy
35.  Get some Little Tykes electric vehicles and drive them around town
36.  Go to an amusement park, get on the ride, and then as it starts to move, pretend I'm having a panic attack and freak out the person sitting next to me!
37.  Buy every single color of jeans known to mankind
38.   When someone asks why I'm late tell them I had to stop on the side of the road to help a woman give birth
39.  Name a star
40.  Kiss in the rain
41.  Give an 100% tip
42.  Glue money to the floor and watch as people try to pick it up
43.  Do 20 NON GIRLY pushups in a row 
44.  Shower in a waterfall
45.  Drive across America from coast to coast
46.  Sleep under the stars
47.  Learn to juggle with three balls
48.  Open a gallon of ice cream in the store, eat it, and take the empty case to the check out and ask if there is a discount
49.  Get a 4.0 all throughout highschool

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