Day By Day

Sunday, October 16, 2011

run run

so umm yes we are all slacking! ESPECIALLY MACK. Anyway, my mom just left for cali about an hour ago, and im doing homework and feeling sick:( i ran the 4.7 mile community race for whitefish trails today! i got some shirts, and it was a good 'waker-upper'! Emma was there volunteering, and connor ran too (but he ran the 10k) dad and i decided to run literally like 20 minutes before the start of the 4 mile haha. They let us register late though so we were ready just in time:) Mr. Saw also ran the 20k(like a half marathon i think) and i hear he slayed!!! Mrs. Gaertner was also there with her kids! so i talked to them for a little(: anyway i am really tired and i actually have alot of homework! i am also super sore from the race yesterday, and from plyos, and from the race today. It was all uphill for the first 3 miles, then downhill for a little, then all uphill for like the last 1.2 miles. Normally it would have been hard, but i ran it so easy because it was pretty much just a race to loosen me up from yesterdays race.  I wasnt even breathing hard...which was a first! It was really wierd running a race and not having to compete, just like doing it for fun.  Anyway, im listening to good music, and i think im going to finish all this homework, then go watch movies and sleep for the resta the day(: i love you all, t

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