Day By Day

Monday, October 24, 2011

negligent little girls! goodness.

so hmm what is there to report? oh yes, well i suppose you could call connor old news...because he kind of is.  he didn't make a move, and i'm not gunna wait around for him to grow a pair. apparently he caught wind of my lunch with thomas and seemed kinda sad...i probably should talk to him.  now. im not saying that i like thomas, because i don't. he just makes me laugh! and there's nothing wrong with that scenario!
(even though mackie, i know you want me to like him.) haha im just done with trying to look into the future and planning on things happening.  so i'll let this take its own course.
so guess what sucks! no halloween dance! motherfucker thats the best dance of the ENTIRE year. i was soo stoked. scary movie night? i hatteee scary movies, and i don't want to go!  ughh.
torrey, you should be proud. im catching up on gossip girl, when, yes, i should be reading lord of the flies.  but reading's overrated anyway. 
here's what im a fan of: getting teachers off topic and accomplishing NOTHING. makes me prettttty happy. haha french?
okay, im done.

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