Day By Day

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My turn to be a commited blogger. Biology test? Yeah, I studied for like four seconds nd then went to stumble upon and just wasted hours. I found this really cute website though! It's called a beautiful mess blog I think. It's awesome! Check it out?
So French has been suprising me it's been really fun! Mackie...mother fucker imma GOOGLE TRANSLATE yo ass. god damn I love you.
Tomorrow us deca do-good ers are community servicing from 630 to 9! Joy joy joy. We'll make it fun, knowing us, though.
It's Wednesday, theoretically Friday, being that we don't have school thursday or Friday! Its goinng to be quite a wonderful weekend...I can just tell(:
And heres my deep thought for the while:
So. My crazy ass grand parents are in town. Its just pure entertainment for a whole week! They love each other, in a hating, bitter way. Old love. Makes me wonder how long people are meant to be together. Because theyve been married for 50+ years, and I wonder how much loving there is left in them. Does that make sense? Like are we meant to be with someone for that long? Does all 'everlasting' love.....last? I just dont know.
Ponder ponder ponder,

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