Day By Day

Thursday, October 6, 2011


AHH it has been too long since i blogged...a couple days? trying to get back into the habit:) welllll, i may also be avoiding doing always:) so mack and ella are gone tomorrow for freeflow...and i have a stand meeting that i cant forget about! ahh....marlow how was your little lunch date with jaceyyy?:) while we were checking out good old DECA, you were racking up the romance!! ahaaaaaaa:) So im exhausted and if i want to go to bed early i should probably be doing my homework:) i feel horrible. like a super bad, sinful person.. i havent ridden or even really taken care of my horsey in like a month...and i miss her so much, but i never have time! ugghhhhh:( im so sad! it makes me so sad to think that she is down at the barn right now, hanging out, all alone and probably cold...and she must miss me! poor baby:( I WILL RIDE HER THIS WEEKEND if i can....i just want XC to be over so i can ride her everyday again:) i miss it so much, and everyday i put off riding, i lose a little more of my talent! so tomorrow night is team dinner, and im nervous, because 1. i have to make a dessert and 2. that means that the race is the morning after it. ughhh im nervous. but if i completely fail at my goal (bills goal for me) then i will and theres nothing i can do about it...and i will do better the next meet. i hope:) Ella im excited to run with you! since jv and varsity are together, tis will be a blast. Okay i need to do my math. oh one last thing before i go: so on our workout today in xc, it was a karma workout, meaning the laps around kiddie park depended on the card you drew every time. and we did it 6 times. well my karma was amazing, and i only had to run 2 2-lappers, and then 4 1-lappers....yes:) this girl has some good karma, even though she neglects her horse. its pretty much animal abuse, and i feel so bad.
kisses t

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