Day By Day

Thursday, October 13, 2011

At school I kept thinking of all these things i had to blog about...umm and I can't remember a single one right now! Oh yes...heres one: i personally photographed the hottest French foreigner ever today for the newspaper. God he's beautiful. And he knows me! Gahhhh.
So you will all miss me tomorrow, because I am staying home and taking care of my worthless brother because he's soooo sick and both my parents are gone! Men are so dramatic about being sick. Buck up and get you're own fucking chicken noodle soup! And no, I will NOT go get you a cookie. Your sick dumb ass. Okay...I love my brother. Duh. But really.
I'm not really getting stoked for divisionals yet! Tomorrow, maybe it will set in. I hope I do well! I've been cutting 30sec off my previous time every meet so hopefully I'm in the low 21 too much to ask for? Haha we shall see. Depends on how much shit food I eat tomorrow because i have nothing better to do. And by shit food, I mean peanut butter and toast. Really. I'm quite the rebel.
So thats what's going on in my life. Wish me luck, tomorrow Ill be trapped with a melodramatic 11 year old, and nothing to keep me occupied but pretty little liars, revenge, and gossip girl episodes. Lord help me.
Xoxo E

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