Day By Day

Sunday, October 2, 2011


SO ITS OUR YEAR ANNIVERSARY!  YESS!! Im proud to say im the first to blog about this incident:) Im so sad that i couldnt come with yall to macks house last night, it was a bummer going home and going to bed...but i guess i did need the sleep...maybe:p The dance was super fun, even though most of the songs sucked butt, like the country ones haha. the only thing that made those fun was jimmy singing ALL the lyrics:) Mack i missed you there! i wish you had come, but thats okay, we have 3 more:) ...only 3...thats so sad! anyway i got sooo sweaty, as did everyone else, and my feet hurt like no other today. But regarding our 1 year anniversary, i just want to say that i love you all, and lets keep this thing going until senior year! maybe we can get caroline hooked too:) I love you all for everything you are, for marlow  being a stud muffin and such and adorable dork, for ella being the butt of all sexual jokes and loving it, for mackie making everything sexual and somehow making everyone else okay with it:p, and for caroline who is so innocent but is transforming into someone who says "butt rape" and "fuck!". haha oh darling:p anyway, i will see you all tomorrow, and now we have 2 reasons for a party: carolines bday and our anniversary! I hope the powwow was fun last night,  even though i was gone;p  kisses and hugs, and in some cases, some gyrating. Torrey<3

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