Day By Day

Thursday, October 27, 2011


WHO AM I! i havent blogged in so long i dont even think i should feel like myself! hmmmm should i waste all your guys' time and ramble about everything i feel like rambling about? probably(:

  1. I am so excited for san diego! but thats a given...we have like a week til we go! "like" a week. I am also really hoping that my mommy decides to come to california and take me with her early on the 4th.  I mean we already have tickets so it would suck not to go! But you know, she may choose my brother over me. bummer. I found all these cute clothes that i am going to run out and buy right when i get there(: haha i doubt that will actually happen, but hey, atleast i have dreams(: anyway i know every good restaurant around santa monica.  Oh, and the best western we are staying in on sepulveda is like connected to a Dennys.  Just saying. I have no clue if it is ghetto or not though.  But if i remember correctly, it is like the outdoor hallway kind(: L. O. L. i dont care it will be a blast(:
  2. Everyone is having boy drama.  Well not really. But there is alot of like "almost drama" going on right now and it is catching me off guard.  I am sooooo used to having nothing like this.  And seriously, i think because everyone is all excited there is all this "almost drama", we are stressing way too much, and we just need to sit back and take a breather. Plan? plan.  I mean we have so much time, why must we make everything go so fast? Ella this doesnt just apply to you(; and Mackie, well, try to spread some love.
  3. I am listening to lovely music right now.  I made Nadeem really happy today by playing my Hindi music in art...and he could understand the language. I love him. You guys know this, so i should move on.
  4. I cant wait for weekend! Pancake party, FINALLY HANGING OUT WITH MY MAN(hopefully), and catching up with all my recorded shows. Ahhh...heaven.
  5. ELLA KOBELT. i am going right now to finish the newest gossip girl episode. You better catch up soon!! Mackie is watching large amounts of the early seasons of gossip girl right now, and i  think we got her hooked...not. but it is a possibility. Right now gossip girl has like 2 followers at our school. 
  6. I LOVE YOU GUYS. i will finish this blog on number 6. kisses and hugs, t(:

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