Day By Day

Saturday, September 24, 2011

We didn't start the fire It was always burning since the world's been turning, No, we didn't start the fire (We didn't start the fire), No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it

The song, we didnt start the fire (the title) played while i was doing my warmup today, and i really didnt leave my head all day. EVEN during the race. So i loved that course so much:) it was amazing, and im super stoked on life because i get to run on it again at state, and umm,  i hope i slay!! Well i will slay my last time, but actually slaying would be the definition of what mckenna does when she runs 17.30 3 milers. So anyway, the bus ride there was nice, i slept alot.  Its wierd to think that it was this morning that i got up at 4am and got on the bus at 530am. It feels like yesterday! or 2 months ago! anyway i have got to go, but i love you all, and im pretty sure i love koler. xoxo t

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