Day By Day

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ba Dum Bum Chhhh!

hello ladies:)
sooooo....I am bored. and exhausted. hmm...what a combination! maybe I should, I dont know, SLEEP. yeah, planning on it.
Drivers ed is so freaking dumb. If they want us to learn to be good drivers, they should have class when we are AWAKE.
Why are the teachers giving so much homework this week? tis ridick.
ughhhh....I am so done with this week. It has been long and tedious.
I feel like we need to have a girls night. It's been far too long since we were all together.
I am not that excited for homecoming. I don't really see the appeal?
I dont know what else to sayyyyyy!!!!
that is all.
solberg is a fucking psycho. She has cancelled, uncancelled, and recancelled the disney trip in the last two days. Bipolar.
I want an african child.
PS. I am in LOVE with the new Pandora:)

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