Day By Day

Monday, September 26, 2011

Long, but good.

Like I said, my day was entirely too long. But it was good(: I didnt die on my drive! then went and laid on the middle school lawn for about an hour and a half with tanner and henry, then we went and met up with zeek and simon and elias and bailey at the bulldog, then on to the bonfire! fun fun stuff:) I am starting to really really really like him. And yes, it is SEXUAL. Tor whore, Elias thinks you guys are together, if not dating. Marlow, pick whoever you want, just pick one already! and ella bella, I think you should just keep connor a possibility in case nothing better comes along. That sound TERRIBLE, but Im honest:) Brandon is a bitch. He is annoying the bejesus out of me. Sooooo I have drivers ed in the morn and I am pooped! so, toodloo for now:)

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