So mackie, those pictures made me happy:) Like the weather today, i am feeling a bit gloomy. Lazy as always, but sorta sad for no apparent reason. I skipped out on helping with the XC float at noon today, because, well today is sunday, and sunday is for my relaxation:) Koler wanted to hang out, so i may invite him over later to hang out at my house, bake a little, and talk i guess...and i feel bad because poor elias and i have not hung out in a couple weekends, but i guess thats okay because i see him 6 out of 7 days of the week at XC. Pretty useful:) Anyway, the race yesterday was pretty great. I mean i was pretty nervous, god knows why...but then my mommy came to watch right before the race started! so as i was walking up to the starting line, i saw her and i gave her a hug and it made me happy:p The race itself was painful, but i ran 30 seconds faster than i have all season, which is still super slow for me overall, but for the season its good i guess:) 5th on varsity sorta sucks but i guess it could be worse. By the enda the season im hoping to be up behind Nicole. So all day i have just been listening to music, and doing homework and calligraphy slowly but surely. I miss all you guys so much. Marlow, i never see you! Mackie, i see you alot(ish), but i will be seeing you even more very soon! And you got to listen to my favorite jokes in the world last night. Ella, we are pretty much together all the time now because of XC...and we should start going to youth group with macks on wednesdays when possible. And last but not least, i would like to point out what all of you already know....ITS CAROLINES BIRTHDAY! and yes i know she probably will never see this, but that doesnt matter because its the thought that counts! I LOVE YOU CAROLINE<3 Well i am going to get back to gloomin' on this gloomy day:) kisses and hugs, and lots of love <3 torrey
It takes patience to become the best runner you can be. Top athletes realize that running is a long-term sport. It is set up for people who value delayed gratification and who like hard-earned success.
"Every day inAfrica a gazelle wakes up.It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows that it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle.
When the sun comes up, you better be running."
"Every day in
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