Day By Day

Monday, September 26, 2011

togas and cowgirls and jersey shore oh my!!

Salad dressing day.  Really?  I mean props for thinking outside the box.  I went for the classy rose embroidered sheet toga look today.  Tomorrow, caroline and i are gunna be twindians! is that racist?  probably!  pep rally was tonight...mackie and tanner ooo la la!! lemme tell ya..SEXUAL TENSION. tension? is that the right word? maybe it was just flat out SEXUAL.  who knows. 
so i still don't really want to officially cast my vote with who marlow should go with...because it's really not going to matter.  i'd be happy to see you with either!  just make it happen:) kay?
and speaking of BOYS....i don't know what to do about conner.  should i persue? or just back off? there's just this akward factor that he has and i don't know how to look past it.
eyahhh torrey...none of us really bought the whole Elias thing anyway.  you and koler are kinda...perfect?
and im going to reiterate mackie's earlier statement of a girls night.  this weekend! we need it.  bad. 
and that's that.

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