Day By Day

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

neglection no longer! gunna start making this a regular habit again! it's like my therapy, anyway. (and lord knows im in need of it these days!)
holy fuck school has BEGUN.  im a little shocked that summer is gone, and it's like 30 degrees every morning now! FALL? really.  not quite, but thinking about it.
homecoming is a week away, and thanks to our genius student council *cough cough torrey and caroline! we have quite the week too look forward to! from salad dressing to wacky and tacky, im forecasting it to be wildly successful.
thankyou for the beautiful photos, girls.  i would just like to let you know that i have a sign hanging in my room that reads: keep calm and eat a cupcake.  it makes me pretty happy.
you know what also makes me happy? or atleast laugh? my brother thinking the pretty decorated tampon boxes under my bed were my secret stash of candy. haha im sure you can imagine his face when he broke into it and found...TOOTSIE ROLLS? nope, lol that's a tampon. (we're learning.)  jesus.
so my life is a bit of a cluster fuck these days...but im trying to keep things going smooth as possible.  haha it's not really working.  my life is the consistancy of cottage cheese.  METAPHOR! my mother would be proud.
alright. well that's the update.
tata for now.

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