Day By Day

Sunday, September 11, 2011

mackies large pink bed:)

Ladies ladies ladies:) last night i spent some time with ella and mack:) we needed that, for sure, just to catch up. However it wasnt fully complete...we were missing marlow and caroline! Marloww honey you are so right, i never see you:( so lets plan something! Anyway, mackie as i was laying in your extremely comfy pink bed, i realized how much i missed having our group all together! Anddd since carolines birthday is coming up...well it obviously means party:) Sooo im going to rant about my life to make this blog like it used to be:) no koler and i are not together, but we talk everyday, and no elias and i have no romantic relationship. Friends and just friends for now:) lameenessss. And just so you all know, i like all my classes, as much as you can like classes i guess, and crosscountry is sorta enjoyable:) mostly the busrides hha. My lifes not bad, even though i am antisocial for half of all my weekends:) oh and today was make fun of torrey day, for all of you thinking it was a joke!! Torrey cant use the microwave, torreys deaf, torrey torrey torrey! Marlow, do you see what i have to go through when i spend time with ella and mackie!?! Mean mean! Oh dont worry, im joking:) ella i am sad i didnt get to play the game of NORMAL LIFE with you:( Anyway marlow tell me about your life! Okayy i need to sleep....but im totally going to blog again tomorrow to get back in the habit:) xoxo with extra kisses t:)

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