Day By Day

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Oh me oh my things are really heating up! And I haven't seen this mmuch blogging for a longggggg time! Sheesh! Anywhoozles, I'm actually so happy bout you and koler(tor obviously) because me and him are buds now. It's pretty dang cool! And yeah ok, mozi is kinda like a lovesick puppy dog, but I love him too! In a brotherly way. Like he's one of my best guy friends. So say what you like, but things aren't a-changing. I have other things on my mind. Things that I shall disclose at another more private time. Marlow I am shocked that you have joined us again in the blogging world! I also have to awaken early, and I have not even started my worksheet. It's 9:30. Hey I was really busy, and stuff! Haha not. I am heartsick. Flat-out, undeniably, irreversibly, excruciatingly heartsick. My tears have flooded this forsaken ground, and nothing remains. Washed away to the land of broken promises, nothing remains. Here in this desolate Wasteland they call my heart.
Poetic bullshit, I know.
Love you long time

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