Day By Day

Monday, March 14, 2011

I love TRACK

This day was overwhelmingly EXTRAORDINARY.  Im so happy!
even though i forgot to bring a pie for pi day (3.14) i still managed to turn it around.  shocking....i know.
after school we chilled in the gym while mr. shulzey gave us a shpeeel about why track is amazing.  then we split up into groups, and bill gave another shpeeel about why torreys shoes pretty much are going to kill her. (something like that) :P
thenn i endeavored on a 2ish mile run with the long distance runners which idk why but was so fun! it was super sunny:) everybody busted it out no prob and it was such a blast!
then i went home and layed in the sun on this innertube thing on the top of the sledding hill. thats kinda been my thing for the last few glorious sunny days. 
and now, i come across a fantastic collage of pictures.  people being retarted makes me happy. honestly...a carrot? in your vajayjay? and then tracy.  how oblivous she is. lol
okay. homework needs to be done.

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