Day By Day

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

one and only babe!

omigosh guys i am seriously in love! like no joke! well okay there was a little joke, but still i just cant stop thinking about this one knight in freaking shining armor! so i know some of you may not understand why i love him so much, but hes just so so so sweet and normal and amazing when hes just talking one on one with me:)) like seriously i might die of happiness! but stay quiet about whatever i dont care if people know i like him, but like both of us dont want everyone knowing we both like each other. and id feel really bad for bekah, so until we are actually serious haha its just a cute little friend crush:) im really happy though:)) and please please (mackie im directing this towards you mostly because you talk to her the most) dont tell bekah this! i just would feel bad you know? so yeah thats the highlight of my night/life, and ella now its time for you to find your one and only!(if ONLY whitefish wasnt so freaking reTARDed!) and mackie, well you have mozi kissing your feet, butttttt please dont let it go beyond him obsessing over your every move k? i mean you can someday if you figure out hes your one and only, but thats iffy...dont you think? hah yeah i do:)  and caroline lets be happy campers for now(not that youre reading this!).....oh and marlow(not that youre reading this either) i guess you have been single for a while, but hey girl youre doing just fine single! haha so keep being the awesome person you are! but do you want a bf right now or do you not really care? (you may never end up answering that question because YOU NEVER BLOG ANYMORE! no biggy:p) okay i gotta go have a great life:) and so do you! getta life losers! (youre not losers dont worry) (im hyper) (really really hyper) haha lovey dovey dove dove, torrey:)

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