Day By Day

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

do you really want to read this.....

ella yes you are so right! so so right! anger has been floating around...hahaa and those of you who know about my rage know that i have had some anger baby! haha actually marlow is the only one who doesnt know now because at lunch caroline and i ditched everybody else and talked about stuff all lunch period so she learned about my huge rage lol! but since marlow and caroline dont read this EVER then whatever haha so yeah im posting because i am putting off doing my homework! so i skipped riding tonight also because im lame lazy and lethargic haha the three l's haha but it was actually because i am super emotional right now and i sorta get depressed when i am alone with my self haha so i called my mom and had a super long talk with her and she reminded me its SUPPOSED to be the time of the month, so thats why im probably so emotional ya know? haha oh and going along with my depressing streak heres something id like to share with the world even though i bet no one cares! : i WANT TO TALK TO KOLER! like really bad! and the funny thing is that all i want to say is "hi my name is torrey and i want to be friends"!! Well actually i dont care what i say but i want to be able to talk to him in person! its annoying if he texts me (and i guess we dont just text about random crap...) but he doesnt have the courage/man balls to talk to me in person! so being the amazing (thank you thank you very much) person that i am, i am  going to use my lady balls and go up and talk to him! because then it will get a whole lot easier! but for now im just  not gonna stress on it and forget about it til the time comes haha ooohhh im excited for the 8th grade orientation mackie:) we should ask mrs. fuller tomorrow if we can talk together:)) what do you wanna talk about? like should i write out a script and then know the key points of what im gonna talk about then wing it? or just wing the whole thing?? lol but im not gonna stress about that either because come on they are just little fat 8th graders:) alright i need to go take a shower, do math, study some more french, finish my science outline, and then booyah go to bed! xoxo my little cabbages! oh wanna know a fun fact: if you google(personally i would BING it) my name and then find the thing titled Koler Kanistanaux's Myspace Page, then click on it and scroll to the  bottom, it says HEROS: TORREY COE! haha and in big all cap writing too! the funny thing is that he hasnt been on it since like last year, oh and also yes i know i googled my name lol we all have our moments okay???? try it sometime, its fun:p okay so xoxo again because you all deserve it! hollah to our international readers (look at our stats)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love the freako with no life, torrey:)

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