Day By Day

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

i  hope everyone is feeling a little better.  anger has been floating among the majority of  us for a while. i hope it wasnt bottled up, the worst thing is to be really pissed and just end up storing it deep down.   
 the weekends don't really do it for me--i cant find time to  do nothing.  but today, i found some time to do just that. i took a personal day.  it was supposed to be shared, but i ended up being semi-solo.  my dad, wix and i went skiing. allll day long:) and it refreshed me.
i know mackie you are sick of snow, and i get it.  i kind of am too. but since i don't have a spring break to look forward to im okay with this insane storm that has hit over our town. 
so i just got out of the hot tub.  forrest was being his weirdo self and was falling face first into the snow, then jumping back into the hot tub.  i looked over and it was a perfect imprint of him! check this out---
 i mean isnt that aawweessoommee?? i find that to be so cool.  but maybe its just me. 
so i'll see you all tomorrow

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