Day By Day

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

lots of ()

yes mackie that hallway walk was on the awkward side, but i really dont get awkward much, hah you all know me, i just laugh it off. But thank you for that awkward-ness, i SOO needed it:p but i love you! Gosh and mackies you witnessed the stupid men of whitefish trying to get me to frown today which was really annoying but actually super funny:p idk why but whenever any of them mock me, i think its hilarious so i laugh and then everyones like "YOU NEVER HAVE A COMEBACK!", but id MUCH so rather laugh:))
And yes, i must credit you all for your genius guesses regarding my little love life:) I also had a little feeling inside it was going to happen again (or more like a huge DUHHH ITS GONNA HAPPEN AGAIN) seriously i think highschool + koler + me just equals fate lol. I mean we broke up 6 times DURING our whole like 6 month ordeal, so why not get back together after the 7th break up? i know i should have thought of it sooner (or i SHOULDA HAD A V8) *thumping my head*. So yeah pretty. much. sums. it. up. Oh and for you frenchies, i made fun of koler a little bit more not only after class, but while i was texting him i was asking him about his knitting, and if he can knit his own sweaters, oh  and i even said id sign up for  a knitting class in town and bring him along:) arent i so generous??:))  Oh and one last thing, I may exaggerate a tiny winy bit about mozi(man) hehe but thats what makes it so entertaining. I mean mackie, why not pretend he is madly in love with you (he is pretty close anyway)! i mean its fun haha and even though i say its hilarious how he always wants to be around you (it is), it is actually super duper cute:)) in a little brother, gay best friend, or just a mozi way:p alright so im like totally done dishing on life so have a great one, love your lezbo lover (ooops wrong name!!!!!!) your freako child (thats better:p), torrey<3

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