Day By Day

Friday, March 11, 2011

THANK YOU! haha these pictures are so fahntastico:)
well fellow just so happens to be friday.
yet, im sitting at home, making sure the lasagna doesnt burn, while my brother has a nerf gun fight downstairs (with who? im not sure...we're home alone) yes. i am. a LOSER. but a proud one:)
i'll just catch up on pretty little liars and gossip girl. because im  rather behind on my tv dramas!
so i agree with mackie...koler's actually been pretty cool lately. i guess i never really knew him. so now im beginning to see what torrey sees in him.  because for a while, i didn't.  no offense torrey, i just didnt know him all that well.
so life over on my side has been pretty easy.  pretty relaxed. but too much of that, is boring as hell, and im on the verge of being bored.  but i think it's good, because life is about to get tres interessement. 
track starts on monday! im actually really 100% excited :D.  and incase you're a little slow, that means there's 0% doubt in my mind that ive made the right decision!
in the's not about pleasing anyone else, except for ME. 
nothing else needs to be said

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