So first of all ladies, i would like to tell you that mr. zac to the efron has a new sexy stache!(minus the sexy in my perspective) more after the jump!!!

So ladies, today a little bird (who was definetly not named ella!(im soo clever:p)) told me that she misses my blogs filled with retarded, out of the ordinary, happy pictures. So today i really felt the need to show you these lovely pictures! oh well let me give you some background first: so these are random:p okay i cant wait to show you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! look, listen, and dont feel....
so this first one is a stupid funny email this random person got haha it explains it in the BIG BOLD WRITING:
"I received this email a few days after I launched my website.
He never actually ordered a copy of my comic book, he was just commenting on the ones I had for sale. "

okay so this next one is my favorite!


haha look at the rocks face in this last picture:P ca-lassic!

aww mine are freezing off too..i want summer!!!! poor guy! (not that i have nuts)
okay and now are some super funny signs because i am lame like that and i blog about signs: be ready to be impressed!

Ella next time lets make signs like this for a hockey game:p (oh and yes eggrolls are the key to everyones heart! thats how i got my little asain.......maybe i shouldnt make jokes about his race)

(anus ha)
haha moran...or moron if you want to look like you have a brain...GO USA!

(good idea!)

So i love you all!!!!!!! xoxo haha hope you enjoyed this!
closing thoughts:

So ladies, today a little bird (who was definetly not named ella!(im soo clever:p)) told me that she misses my blogs filled with retarded, out of the ordinary, happy pictures. So today i really felt the need to show you these lovely pictures! oh well let me give you some background first: so these are random:p okay i cant wait to show you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! look, listen, and dont feel....
so this first one is a stupid funny email this random person got haha it explains it in the BIG BOLD WRITING:
"I received this email a few days after I launched my website.
He never actually ordered a copy of my comic book, he was just commenting on the ones I had for sale. "
okay so this next one is my favorite!

haha look at the rocks face in this last picture:P ca-lassic!
aww mine are freezing off too..i want summer!!!! poor guy! (not that i have nuts)
So i love you all!!!!!!! xoxo haha hope you enjoyed this!
closing thoughts:

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