Day By Day

Sunday, March 20, 2011

spring...just kidding

sunday afternoon.  first day of spring? i'll believe it when i see it. clouds spread thick over our heads today, blocking sunrays for miles. 
spring break creates excitement as it nears (6 days and counting!)
im sad that im not going anywhere! its awfully unusual for my family.  oh well, i'll just get to...ya nothing, here, in our town, bored as hell. 
i think you are all leaving, ridding yourselves of this place for a week.  send some sun my way:)
teachers are piling on the tests this week, two on tuesday, and i think two on friday.  awesome.

Prom took place saturday night, i went and checked it out:) everyone looked so pretty! i could hear them dancing , the music was so loud! i wanted to go! i think looked really fun...
think any of us will go next year? hope soo

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