Day By Day

Saturday, January 29, 2011


long time no post!
just got back from skijoring which was not thrilling nor boring.
it made me miss my horsies! and it also made me want to get torrey to snowmobile out to my house and make a track in the meadow and then we would have a skijoring track! haha it would be pretty sick.
i really have nothing much to report. still don't like anyone. (well don't significantly like anyone) i feel like i really shouldn't like casey. and i don't. but i do. but not alot. just a little. and its confusing and stupid. i don't even know him! so i shouldn't like him. right? someone needs to tell me what to do. because ive completely over thought it all and don't know how to think anymore.
haha that's brain dead.
just spent a fantastic week with mackie!!! parents abandoned me and went to arizona. turds. and she got me hooked on Castle and i finally ate a pb&j! (hadn't had one since kindergarten)...haha
so now yer caught up. that was easy:P

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