Day By Day

Sunday, January 16, 2011

random much?

okay so guys i havent posted in a while but im excited for monday! but im also dreading it! this weekend went by so fast and i didnt do anything!!!!! well i slept alot! right after school friday my mom took me up the the mountain and i went into my room in the condo and crashed until 10:30pm when my parents woke me up after they had gone out to dinner! i was alone in the condo for like a long time and i didnt even know it!!!!! not that creepy haha seriously lol and then yeah i rode mee horsey (shes adorable) and my trainer wants me to do 3 shows this summer!!!!!! heres everything that could go on this summer!(i have to pick and choose what i have time to do)
1.a month in france (fo sho babeee!)
2.drivers ed(will i make it in with all those 8th graders older than me wanting to do it? if not ill do flatheads:p)
3. 3 horse shows(in bend, oregon; then in vancouver, BC, and last in langley, BC)(like a total of a month to 5 weeks) parents going on a wine cruise for 2 weeks in turkey, spain, and italy, and greece
5.davos boat!!!!
6. ATLEAST 2 trips to LA!
7. hanging with all you! AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!
8. oh and dont forget sleeping!
.........this is gonna be one VERY busy summer! hahah

hopefully henry comes to school tomorrow because he said thats what they are planning on but they may not make it in time.....haha he called me every night so far and im amazed how long we can talk on the phone!! we talk as long as possible til connor wants his phone back to call piper (of course i cant get in the way of piper and connors love!<3 haah) but we could talk for so much longer! haha its pretty awesome:p alrighty tighty im going to do a little deca and then go to bed! mack im not bringing any new deca stuff to school tomorrow k? cuz we dont need it right???? oh and marlow our history test is on tuesday right? better be!!!!

xoxo chicas lovey doveys:P <-----that kinda didnt make sense:p anywho i love yall to death extra kisses torrey

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