Day By Day

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

THE BRACELET..duhhh duhh duhhh ;0

dude guys im so so sorry its been forever since ive posted! and to be truthful i wasnt planning on posting tonight either...but then i felt this strong rush of emotion(i will talk about later) and i knew i had to blog. So henry is telling me how imperfections are beautiful right now, haha. and actually its so so true like it applys to everyone!:p okay so anyway i feel like getting to the rush of emotion moment right now. okay this is a no judgement site...joking we judge alot haha and i dont care:) but anyway on with the story: Okay so i was going through my little boxes in my room randomly and i found the bracelet that koler gave me. its like his bracelet that says koler on those ones you can get in mexico, and it had started to fall apart so he like gave it to me randomly hah and it was just like this thing that i have always had somewhere in my room and i never keep track of it but i never lose it either hah it just pops up in random places all the time lol so anyway i saw it and it just made me sad. and then i remembered the night where he had just flipped me off hahahahhahah anyway i had been so mad at him and like calub and stuff kept coming out and spying on us while we were talking (soo immature..give me my space!!!!!!!!) so we went outside (during the summer) and it was dark but super warm and he was all sad but like super umm lovey dovey? hah thats the word. anyway it was just one of the best moments after that because of course i forgave him for the moment and we were out behind my dads car (not kissing dont worry haha he prob wanted to but you all know im too interesting and random to just be doing the usual of kissing ha) and we were just talking about something funny hah and laughing our heads off and like i was scared something was gonna jump outa the bushes right next to us hah any way it was just the most amazing peaceful non judgemental fun moment i remember and it makes me so happy:)...and sad. i dont miss him, but i just realized how much i hate hating him. i just wanna be friends with him...someday ya know? like yeah he can be a total douche, but thats not who he really is so i just hope that i  can get on better terms with him:p yeah a bracelet made me realize that hehe deep right?!? lol but anyway my new mission is to just see him alone one day and just ask him to be friends:p you just wait my dearys, the future is way better than you will ever expect! ha that didnt really make sense but i heard the line in a questions asked:p alright i should go wrap my lit book in juicy couture paper hehe classic xoxooxooxoxoxoxoox lovey dovey love torrey bo borey:p

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