Day By Day

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

once you go salami you never go back! :8

yeah so guys, guess what.....90.26% overall in math. yeah im THAT FREAKING CLOSE! hey but its an A so you know im happy happy happy! Gosh i better do well on finals!!!!!!!! so im totally putting off homework and i have only done the 1st 2 problems in math and thats it tonight...i dont know what is wrong with me but i cant do it...its so boring and im sooo tired! And i need to study for hockey...well i should go sorry for the short post i will get into detail more later my chicaboos! Oh and i got my phone back!

xoxo torrey bo borrey (who loves all yaaalllll)

ps. "once you go salami, you never go back."

                        quoted: from the food channel!

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