Day By Day

Monday, January 3, 2011

In the blink of an eye

Everything can change
Everything has changed
Everything I used to know, has vanished
Everyone I used to love, is gone
All the colors have melted away,
Leaving me alone in the blackness
The smile that once occupied my face
Has been replaced
With a single tear, that streaks through
What has been.
And only the memories remain
I clutch at those momentos of my life
They tether me to where I stand
And I fear, that if I were to release them
There would be nothing.
It is like the moment before sleep captures your mind,
You will never remember the precise instant in which your mind flips from reality to the dream,
You are only aware of the before, and the after
The change is lost in translation.
In the blink of an eye
Everything can change.