Day By Day

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Ah marlow thats so cute:) its nice to know someone else knows how i feel!!! Gosh marlowww i cant wait til we have art together next semester instead of history! mr.carmichael is nice and all, but art sounds wayyyy betta:p and ella bella love will come to you, do not fear my tan tall blond buddy!:p i have faith!! also, im glad you arent upset at me and mackie because we really didnt mean to make you guys upset or anything:/ and dont worry you guys have worked on it so much you ARE GUARANTEED SUCCESS (youre a winner):p hahah so today was boring, and i was sound asleep in the car after school as my mom drove me to riding hahah she was like "TORREY WAKE UP WE ARE AT THE BARN!!!!!!!!!!!!" x5...hahah but then i went to riding, all the girls were there, and i left feeling goofy and super hyper! hehe and that brought me here:p so yeah i need NEED need NEED need NEED need NEED NNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEE-EEEEEEDDDDD to do my homework! okay xoox dearys love you to death and more XOXOXO torrey coecoe

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