Day By Day

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Guys we made it! The end of freshman year, and no one died! Yes, i almost lost it having to deal with Mrs. Edwards...but in the end im gonna miss her just as much as all my other teachers. Good thing we come back next year anyway. Wow i love you all so much, and i hope you all are happy with how semester grades turned out. I did great on all of my tests, A's on everything except for am 89 on my math test. However, my math grade is still happily sitting at an average A. English and Science are the only grades not in yet, and i know i did good on English(soo easy). But im thinking that science could be a deal breaker, which would kill my heart and soul. So yes i know that we are going to breakfast tomorrow, and im stoked. And since no one has made plans, erin asked me to hang with her, and we are planning that right now:) If anyone wants to have a group party, im sure erin and i will come along for the ride:)) Im so happy right now:) Sorry to bring up phoebe again, because i know she has been a topic of discussion sorta lately, but i feel really bad for being annoyed with her for some reason, i dont know, i just feel like i should be the bigger person and not get annoyed. Even though it is kinda hard not to when she is trying to screw up your life with your man. Anyway, Phoebe and I are good in my eyes:) Oh and i wish her and davo good luck (ha.). I had to add that sarcastic laugh in there, sorry. Not that i disapprove! Well, no one needs to hear my opinion. So from now on she is out of my mind, unless something outrageous happens haha. And koler is being really sweet to me right now, i just got off the phone with him:) It was so cute, he was like "I like it when we like each other; when we dont its real miserable..." ahh it was nice:)

So enough about me! I love all of you, because you are all my smart, amazing, quirky, totally goofy, beautiful, best friends and im so happy we get to go through highschool together!!!!!!!! I cant wait to hang with you all summer, and lets get group skype going so i can video chat yall while im in PARRRIISSSS!!!! Im leaving in exactly 2 weeks on the 15 hour flight:) yay! Anyway, that last part was about me again haa. So if anyone feels like planning, torreys proud of i already said 6 million times, i love all of you, and chow. torrey<3

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