Day By Day

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Don't Blink.

So. Freshman year: it's ALMOST OVER! Tomorrow will be the last Friday when we are Freshman. It's so weird. Almost as weird as the song im listening to. And that would be the hairbrush song, by veggie tales. yes. it's fantastic. It's pouring rain, and I'm taking a break to blog. Gearing up for finals, but i felt we were neglecting the blog. I have nothing to report...except for that soccer is over! I miss it though.
In journalism today it was so sad because all the seniors were having their last day of school. I <3 that class. seriously.
And also, i think my dad likes my brother better. He got him ice cream and popcorn after school. He got me left over dried pineapple from his lunch. gee, thanks.

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