Day By Day

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Long time, no blog!

Oh my! I was also just thinking how the blog needed a little tlc! And oh geez torrey, Grayson Chance is now an eighth grader. And he has an album with Ellen Degeneres's record company! get with it! this is old news.

Also, I am so annoyed with life. we still have 5 more days of hardcore testing which is not going to be fun. so i am not a happy camper.

so, i should be working on my math, but i choose to slack and blog. OK? Marlow, if you ever read this, go to msn cus they just posted a full hunger games cast.

I actually love this rain. I know thats weird since weve had rain for like the past 2 months, but i love it. and i am listening to this song called this is the thing by fink. and it is ahhhhmazing. im addicted to it.

So, I dont think i really have that much more to say, so ill catch y'all later:)


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