Day By Day

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Day 226/365This post is strictly for ella, so if you are not ella, be gone. (actually you can read it if you like, but its not for you.) SO, ella bella, i found this website, and it just kind of screams you to me. and i also love it, so here you are.Day 224/365

Day 223/365

Day 222/365

Day 221/365
Day 220/365Day 219/365Day 218/365Day 216/365Day 214/365
“Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”Day 213/365Day 212/365Day 210/365This one is just for you Ella:)
Day 209/365
Day 208/365
Day 206/365
Day 204/365

Day 202/365
Day 201/365

Day 200/365Day 199/365

Day 196/365

Day 182/365Lets go far away from here, let us find adventure. let us live.
I love you Eya:) and, i already miss you a lot.

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