Day By Day

Thursday, June 2, 2011


so im listening to a 13 year old boy sing who is amazing. and his voice is way lower than biebs:) but i heard his song on pandora, then i looked him up, and then i watched his YouTube video of him singing paparazzi by lady gaga and playing the piano for a talent show in 6th grade! Yes, 6th grade! So if you have not already seen this, watch it. He has gotten so famous i guess from it haha but his name is greyson chance. He is pro! And other than that i am just listening to cute music and playing on my new phone. Ella i am so happy you blogged, because i have been waiting for someone else to blog, and i admit i have been a little lazy. I hope we all do well on our semester finals, so we can get out of school on a good note and have an amazing summer. I just shudder with happiness when i hear the word summer, no joke! I am so excited for France for the most part, but very nervous also. You know how today in French we saw the pictures of the Louvre and the pyramid out front? Well what she forgot to tell you is that it is super steamy and muggy and super boiling hot in the pyramid before entering the Louvre, because the sun just pours onto it and goes through the glass and gets trapped in there! Plus theres millions of people. But my only memory of that pyramid was how super hot it was lol. However, running around Paris for almost a month seems like a lifestyle to me:) Ill be sure to blog as much as i can, and email you all as much as possible:) oh and i will be updating my facebook alot over there because Julie loves facebook. Also, i think i am going to LA right when we get out of school...or around there. But we havent planned it so i dont know when that will happen, but i know for sure i will go during the summer atleast once. I just want to go there before france so i can get a new wardrobe for france, and recover my really cute bathing suit that i left in the apartment there last time:) Boating will also be a blast this summer, if gage doesnt go boating. Or if hes nice, which i doubt will happen even when pigs fly. Hes soooo annoying, but hey im not a hater so its all good. Im gonna have alot of bonding time agian with scotty davo koler and erin, and im very excited. Oh and last but not least, i am very excited to hang out with all of you guys, and we better go get some ice cream like every day of summer!!!!!!! And on the last note, i want us to do what we did last year and go out to lunch when we get out of school on thursday:) and if someone wants to host a party, yep i would be down for that too! We only graduate freshman year of high school once, well hopefully:p xoxo t

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