Day By Day

Friday, June 24, 2011

j'amour paris

I am here!!!!!! i dont think i will ever want to leave!!! C'est tres tres tres beau ici (Its very very beautiful here!!!!) i cannot believe my eyes, everything is so french, and it smells like cigarette smoke and amazing food!!!! the computers keyboard is even different, so i am typing very slowly!!! the letters are all mixed up, but that is okay:) i just cant wait to star doing stuff and exploring this beautiful country, but right now i am going to take a shower and wait for Julie to arrive (she is gone until 4pm today, and right now it is 1pm)...oh and my flight was good; even though i took one sleeping pill, i couldnt fall asleep no matter how hard i tried!! I probably slept 30 minutes, but i rested and read the whole time. My flight didnt have individual tv screens either, which was good because then i was not tempted to stay awake. I sat by a very nice middle aged man who was travelling to croatia with his wife and we talked a little. For some reason, i am not shy at all here and i have talked to many many people....people in the bathroom line with me, everyone!!! this is very hard to type, and i will talk with you from france, torrey<3

ps. my phone has gone missing, but since it doesnt wok here im not even worried haha :) kisses and hugs, and a lotta love...

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