send me your addresses asap!! need all yours, and since caroline never is on here, someone gimme hers:) love yall and also sent fbook messages! mackie thanks for the email:) love you, and you got one too!!! kisses pour maintenant torrey!! ps. text here so the blog and email and fbook are your best bet:)
THIS IS NOT THE BLOG YOU THINK IT IS. haha just for you ella bella, cause i know youre not tired of that or anything.
Day By Day
Monday, June 27, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
j'amour paris
I am here!!!!!! i dont think i will ever want to leave!!! C'est tres tres tres beau ici (Its very very beautiful here!!!!) i cannot believe my eyes, everything is so french, and it smells like cigarette smoke and amazing food!!!! the computers keyboard is even different, so i am typing very slowly!!! the letters are all mixed up, but that is okay:) i just cant wait to star doing stuff and exploring this beautiful country, but right now i am going to take a shower and wait for Julie to arrive (she is gone until 4pm today, and right now it is 1pm)...oh and my flight was good; even though i took one sleeping pill, i couldnt fall asleep no matter how hard i tried!! I probably slept 30 minutes, but i rested and read the whole time. My flight didnt have individual tv screens either, which was good because then i was not tempted to stay awake. I sat by a very nice middle aged man who was travelling to croatia with his wife and we talked a little. For some reason, i am not shy at all here and i have talked to many many people....people in the bathroom line with me, everyone!!! this is very hard to type, and i will talk with you from france, torrey<3
ps. my phone has gone missing, but since it doesnt wok here im not even worried haha :) kisses and hugs, and a lotta love...
ps. my phone has gone missing, but since it doesnt wok here im not even worried haha :) kisses and hugs, and a lotta love...
Monday, June 20, 2011
ella next time you get the chance, look up the photographer Christian Plochacki..... i think you might like him:)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
bahahahaha i love how ella's title is the only one with correct grammar. Mrs. reed would be so proud of your correct use of apostrophes:):):)
so far I have 3-6 with ella, I have math and marketing with torrey, and none with marlow:(
But marlow heres something to look forward to! You have at least the last 2 periods with nathan:) bahaha im sorry.
so far I have 3-6 with ella, I have math and marketing with torrey, and none with marlow:(
But marlow heres something to look forward to! You have at least the last 2 periods with nathan:) bahaha im sorry.
Ella's Schedule:)
mackie i have 3-6 all year with ya! haha
but poop i have no classes with marlow. god we NEVER have any classes! and torrey same story with you! i think we only have marketing together. :(**
1. Alg. 2 Gist
2. Bio--Sullivan
3. English---Bertelsen
4. 1st sem PE10 Schneid
2nd sem marketing...which doesn't help with deca one bit!
5. 1st sem Conflict crisis- Shulz
2nd sem Weight training- Smith
6. French 2
7. Journalism alll year.
im actually okay with mine...but the gyms are at kinda akward times.
okay so i need some advice...should i drop journalism for choir? i REALLY want to do choir...but i'm addicted to journalism. H.E.L.P
but poop i have no classes with marlow. god we NEVER have any classes! and torrey same story with you! i think we only have marketing together. :(**
1. Alg. 2 Gist
2. Bio--Sullivan
3. English---Bertelsen
4. 1st sem PE10 Schneid
2nd sem marketing...which doesn't help with deca one bit!
5. 1st sem Conflict crisis- Shulz
2nd sem Weight training- Smith
6. French 2
7. Journalism alll year.
im actually okay with mine...but the gyms are at kinda akward times.
okay so i need some advice...should i drop journalism for choir? i REALLY want to do choir...but i'm addicted to journalism. H.E.L.P
Marlows schedule!
ughh no classes with torrey or mackie:(
1. weight training/blackburn aid
2. english 10
3. biology
4. chemistry
5. ms. blackburns aid/conflict and crisis
6. algebra 2 with gist
7. spanish 2
1. weight training/blackburn aid
2. english 10
3. biology
4. chemistry
5. ms. blackburns aid/conflict and crisis
6. algebra 2 with gist
7. spanish 2
Torreys schedule:p
so my schedule still needs changing because i DID NOT sign up for sports and entertainment marketing! I need to take conflict and crisis, so yeah idk where that will fit in, but i will make it work:
1. PE 10
2. Algebra 2
3. Art 1
4.1. Sports and ent....but it will be conflict and crisis!
4.2. Marketing
5. Biology
6. English 10
7. French 2
1. PE 10
2. Algebra 2
3. Art 1
4.1. Sports and ent....but it will be conflict and crisis!
4.2. Marketing
5. Biology
6. English 10
7. French 2
Mackies schedule
1. Orchestra
2. Algebra 2-Casazza
3.English 10-Bertelsen
4.1. P.E.-Schneider
5.1.Conflict & Crisis
5.2.Weight training-Smith
6.French 2
eh....its so-so
2. Algebra 2-Casazza
3.English 10-Bertelsen
4.1. P.E.-Schneider
5.1.Conflict & Crisis
5.2.Weight training-Smith
6.French 2
eh....its so-so
Friday, June 17, 2011
Look at that stud muffin! (Beacon article)
Marlow turned in a remarkable freshman year. In addition to her two state championships in the 100 and 800, she almost won the 400, finishing as runner-up in 56.98 seconds compared to the winning time of 56.91. At divisionals, she won first place in the 100, 200, 400 and 800. It’s scary to think how good she could become as she gets older. Her dad is Derek Peopledontneedtoknowmarmarslastname, the Bulldogs’ head track coach.
On her father’s coaching influence in her rapid development: “I always went to practice and I’ve been watching track so long, it kind of comes naturally to me, I guess.”
On her father’s coaching influence in her rapid development: “I always went to practice and I’ve been watching track so long, it kind of comes naturally to me, I guess.”
Monday, June 13, 2011
summertime creepers
Well. We all thought (atleast I did) that the sun was going to come out. That IS what summer should be. But currently I have my doubts. I'm sitting in coffee traders, looking outside at a fog encircled mountain, and rain drizzling from the gutters. how could this possibly be June? and to think, today i had plans to jump in the lake. Or not...thats cool too. So Torrey, soak up alllll the sun you can, and bring some back for us!! Okay so enough about this depressing weather. Seth is fucking creeping SO hard. I now know how sadie felt when she was saying he was obsessed and wouldn't let her alone. Its weird guys! Why is it that he...of all people, chooses to creep hard core on me. Why not someone cool cute guy who knew a thing or two about girls. Good lord.
And Mac, thank you for posting those awemazing pictures. Its true, I've been dreaming about mtns while I've been dreaming about gold. Well not YOU...but ya know. Well, that's what i have to say about life right now, hope i see y'all reeal soon.
And Mac, thank you for posting those awemazing pictures. Its true, I've been dreaming about mtns while I've been dreaming about gold. Well not YOU...but ya know. Well, that's what i have to say about life right now, hope i see y'all reeal soon.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
off to LA in the early morning, i miss you guys:) coecoe:p

Saturday, June 11, 2011
I love you Eya:) and, i already miss you a lot.
Mind led body
to the edge of the precipice.
They stared in desire
at the naked abyss.
If you love me, said mind,
take that step into silence.
If you love me, said body,
turn and exist.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Tonight I can write the saddest lines
Tonight I can write the saddest lines. Write, for example,'The night is shattered and the blue stars shiver in the distance.' The night wind revolves in the sky and sings. Tonight I can write the saddest lines. I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too. Through nights like this one I held her in my arms I kissed her again and again under the endless sky. She loved me sometimes, and I loved her too. How could one not have loved her great still eyes. Tonight I can write the saddest lines. To think that I do not have her. To feel that I have lost her. To hear the immense night, still more immense without her. And the verse falls to the soul like dew to the pasture. What does it matter that my love could not keep her. The night is shattered and she is not with me. This is all. In the distance someone is singing. In the distance. My soul is not satisfied that it has lost her. My sight searches for her as though to go to her. My heart looks for her, and she is not with me. The same night whitening the same trees. We, of that time, are no longer the same. I no longer love her, that's certain, but how I loved her. My voice tried to find the wind to touch her hearing. Another's. She will be another's. Like my kisses before. Her voide. Her bright body. Her inifinite eyes. I no longer love her, that's certain, but maybe I love her. Love is so short, forgetting is so long. Because through nights like this one I held her in my arms my sould is not satisfied that it has lost her. Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer and these the last verses that I write for her. Pablo Neruda |
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Guys we made it! The end of freshman year, and no one died! Yes, i almost lost it having to deal with Mrs. Edwards...but in the end im gonna miss her just as much as all my other teachers. Good thing we come back next year anyway. Wow i love you all so much, and i hope you all are happy with how semester grades turned out. I did great on all of my tests, A's on everything except for am 89 on my math test. However, my math grade is still happily sitting at an average A. English and Science are the only grades not in yet, and i know i did good on English(soo easy). But im thinking that science could be a deal breaker, which would kill my heart and soul. So yes i know that we are going to breakfast tomorrow, and im stoked. And since no one has made plans, erin asked me to hang with her, and we are planning that right now:) If anyone wants to have a group party, im sure erin and i will come along for the ride:)) Im so happy right now:) Sorry to bring up phoebe again, because i know she has been a topic of discussion sorta lately, but i feel really bad for being annoyed with her for some reason, i dont know, i just feel like i should be the bigger person and not get annoyed. Even though it is kinda hard not to when she is trying to screw up your life with your man. Anyway, Phoebe and I are good in my eyes:) Oh and i wish her and davo good luck (ha.). I had to add that sarcastic laugh in there, sorry. Not that i disapprove! Well, no one needs to hear my opinion. So from now on she is out of my mind, unless something outrageous happens haha. And koler is being really sweet to me right now, i just got off the phone with him:) It was so cute, he was like "I like it when we like each other; when we dont its real miserable..." ahh it was nice:)
So enough about me! I love all of you, because you are all my smart, amazing, quirky, totally goofy, beautiful, best friends and im so happy we get to go through highschool together!!!!!!!! I cant wait to hang with you all summer, and lets get group skype going so i can video chat yall while im in PARRRIISSSS!!!! Im leaving in exactly 2 weeks on the 15 hour flight:) yay! Anyway, that last part was about me again haa. So if anyone feels like planning, torreys proud of i already said 6 million times, i love all of you, and chow. torrey<3
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
hmmm question.. did we make those "reactions"? or did i come like that?? hahaha looking at those pretty much just made my day.. "girl i love you" "text me right now!" "SO wrong" bahaha whoever did those I LOVE YOU!(:
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Torrey Coe (@torreycoe) has shared a Tweet with you:
"torreycoe: He's not best looking, he's not the smartest guy, he can be a jerk sometimes, but for some reason I don't care. He's different. I love him."
"torreycoe: He's not best looking, he's not the smartest guy, he can be a jerk sometimes, but for some reason I don't care. He's different. I love him."
posted from Bloggeroid
Saturday, June 4, 2011
so today was really fun! graduation, ice cream, stalking torrey, "wow thats neat!".. look at it exist!! hahaha i loved that video!(: well i havent blogged in forever so ill just update by saying that track is over:*( very sadd.. but i had like the most fun season ever.. made tons of new friends(: well im glad to hear about all of your trips and big summer plans and i can say that im basically staying here to babysit the entire summer. haha(: oh well ill have lots of time to spend at the lake and such!
3 1/2 more days!(:(:(: cant wait! ps lets al get together and party after the last final on thursday! that would really float my boat!
love youall!(:
3 1/2 more days!(:(:(: cant wait! ps lets al get together and party after the last final on thursday! that would really float my boat!
love youall!(:
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Long time, no blog!
Oh my! I was also just thinking how the blog needed a little tlc! And oh geez torrey, Grayson Chance is now an eighth grader. And he has an album with Ellen Degeneres's record company! get with it! this is old news.
Also, I am so annoyed with life. we still have 5 more days of hardcore testing which is not going to be fun. so i am not a happy camper.
so, i should be working on my math, but i choose to slack and blog. OK? Marlow, if you ever read this, go to msn cus they just posted a full hunger games cast.
I actually love this rain. I know thats weird since weve had rain for like the past 2 months, but i love it. and i am listening to this song called this is the thing by fink. and it is ahhhhmazing. im addicted to it.
So, I dont think i really have that much more to say, so ill catch y'all later:)
Also, I am so annoyed with life. we still have 5 more days of hardcore testing which is not going to be fun. so i am not a happy camper.
so, i should be working on my math, but i choose to slack and blog. OK? Marlow, if you ever read this, go to msn cus they just posted a full hunger games cast.
I actually love this rain. I know thats weird since weve had rain for like the past 2 months, but i love it. and i am listening to this song called this is the thing by fink. and it is ahhhhmazing. im addicted to it.
So, I dont think i really have that much more to say, so ill catch y'all later:)
so im listening to a 13 year old boy sing who is amazing. and his voice is way lower than biebs:) but i heard his song on pandora, then i looked him up, and then i watched his YouTube video of him singing paparazzi by lady gaga and playing the piano for a talent show in 6th grade! Yes, 6th grade! So if you have not already seen this, watch it. He has gotten so famous i guess from it haha but his name is greyson chance. He is pro! And other than that i am just listening to cute music and playing on my new phone. Ella i am so happy you blogged, because i have been waiting for someone else to blog, and i admit i have been a little lazy. I hope we all do well on our semester finals, so we can get out of school on a good note and have an amazing summer. I just shudder with happiness when i hear the word summer, no joke! I am so excited for France for the most part, but very nervous also. You know how today in French we saw the pictures of the Louvre and the pyramid out front? Well what she forgot to tell you is that it is super steamy and muggy and super boiling hot in the pyramid before entering the Louvre, because the sun just pours onto it and goes through the glass and gets trapped in there! Plus theres millions of people. But my only memory of that pyramid was how super hot it was lol. However, running around Paris for almost a month seems like a lifestyle to me:) Ill be sure to blog as much as i can, and email you all as much as possible:) oh and i will be updating my facebook alot over there because Julie loves facebook. Also, i think i am going to LA right when we get out of school...or around there. But we havent planned it so i dont know when that will happen, but i know for sure i will go during the summer atleast once. I just want to go there before france so i can get a new wardrobe for france, and recover my really cute bathing suit that i left in the apartment there last time:) Boating will also be a blast this summer, if gage doesnt go boating. Or if hes nice, which i doubt will happen even when pigs fly. Hes soooo annoying, but hey im not a hater so its all good. Im gonna have alot of bonding time agian with scotty davo koler and erin, and im very excited. Oh and last but not least, i am very excited to hang out with all of you guys, and we better go get some ice cream like every day of summer!!!!!!! And on the last note, i want us to do what we did last year and go out to lunch when we get out of school on thursday:) and if someone wants to host a party, yep i would be down for that too! We only graduate freshman year of high school once, well hopefully:p xoxo t
Don't Blink.
So. Freshman year: it's ALMOST OVER! Tomorrow will be the last Friday when we are Freshman. It's so weird. Almost as weird as the song im listening to. And that would be the hairbrush song, by veggie tales. yes. it's fantastic. It's pouring rain, and I'm taking a break to blog. Gearing up for finals, but i felt we were neglecting the blog. I have nothing to report...except for that soccer is over! I miss it though.
In journalism today it was so sad because all the seniors were having their last day of school. I <3 that class. seriously.
And also, i think my dad likes my brother better. He got him ice cream and popcorn after school. He got me left over dried pineapple from his lunch. gee, thanks.
In journalism today it was so sad because all the seniors were having their last day of school. I <3 that class. seriously.
And also, i think my dad likes my brother better. He got him ice cream and popcorn after school. He got me left over dried pineapple from his lunch. gee, thanks.
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