Day By Day

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


okay so i have ALOT ALOT ALOT of homework to do!! but i would just like to tell all of you slackers that I am the FIRST ONE TO BLOG IN APRIL! Who is the coolest person ever and deserves an award?????? Yeah i know:P ha so i may be being annoying but it was awesome to come to school today (sarcastic) and im just so happy!!!! So i got home and decided i didnt want to do homework so i went out and rode the lifecycle (very very very very slowly) in fronta the TV and watched the end of THE FATHER OF THE BRIDE....and it was very funny! ha. Okay so one more awesome thing to tell you before i mush and go homework! k so AFTER reading my amazing post ha, go to and tis sooooo cool!!! (mackie i dont know if it will work on your ipod but i bet it will) and then in the upper righthand corner you can change the view to all these other things, so check them out cuz its pretty AMAZING! So i love you all, and i hope to be back in action with track tomorrow, and hopefully on my way to fail better than i would have failed before at the trackmeet this weekend! Yay! kisses, torrey:)

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