Day By Day

Sunday, April 24, 2011

wow.. it kinda makes me sad how awesome all of your lives are. hahaha
torrey with her sweet little romance(;
ella.. in florida. nuf said
mackie.. im always jealous of her(:
haha and carolines just adorable always.. even though she never blogs.
dude so exciting news! marlow qualified for top ten in all of her events!!! whoop whoop.
im just extremely excited to miss school tuesday! 
when do you guys leave for deca? cuz im pretty sure im going to DIE... i repeat DIEEEE without all you. yuck. its going to feel like forever
well me torrey and erin watched the last exorcism.
dont do it.
you will regret it.
haha scariest thing i have ever seen. by far. haha
im such a wimp.
oh and HAPPY EASTER!! i had a delicious brunch at the lodge. and saw the beautiful caroline(:
dude im rambling so bad. hah
good night all you lovelys!!!!(:(:

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