Day By Day

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pillow-pet men:p

gosh the trackmeet was soooooo much fun! since brielle only did triple jump the whole day, we just hung out, slept, and walked around together all day and talked to random guys haha like this group of 3 guys kept coming up to us and they were so funny ha they had like flower and rainbow heart blankets wrapped around them and they all had unicorn and penguin pillow pets that they were stroking while they talked to us haha. but yes it was a wonderful day, accompanied by a wonderful back massage by mark haha he volunteered too lol what a wierdy.........anywho ive been icing my foot all the time, and loading up the painkillers:) I CANT WAIT TIL I CAN COMPETE NEXT MEET!!(i think im gonna even if my foot hurts a little) oh and for us deca people, id like to tell you, its LESS THAN 2 WEEKS AWAY! holy freak! So my house and lawn is covered with more than an inch of snow, and the trees are all white, and it reminds me of Christmas (which is not exactly a bad thing... even though i really want it to be summer:p) 
Kay, Torrey OUT! hehe

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