Day By Day

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


oh dear.
first day on vacation and look what ive done! gone and gotten myself  red red red.  ....burned that is.  haha but i mean how could i NOT have layed in the sun?  when i know i wont be seeing any till like june! better enjoy what i will see of it;) 
so im sitting in a heavily air conditioned room...applying aloe. and tonight we're going to one of those places where the japanese chefs make onion volcanoes and flip shrimp into your mouths! im quite excited. 
my grandma took me "shopping" for approx 30min today.  haha lilly pulitzer, vinyard vines, and some other preppy preppy preppy store.  you know how people call us "preps?"  well ive seen the other side. and we dont even come close.  you guys shoulda seeeen it!
i went to a zumba classwith my cousins! (you know...on the comercials??)  it was so fun. hahaha this one black chick teaching all these white girls how to dance.  it was hilarious! and a legit workout.
well i must be going.

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