Day By Day

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


MARLOW I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! You have no idea how amazing you are! Hollah for the people who WONT letter in track this year!(oh yeah I'm all alone on this one!) So i just got done emailing Julie my regular french email:) We email almost every day now and its pretty awesome! I promised to email her from Orlando, but dont worry mackie my emails dont take THAT long. Dont you all love how i am going to Orlando tomorrow, and i havent even thought about studying even a day in advance? haha pretty much how i roll when it comes to DECA haha so i would just like to say this to MARLOW! MARLOW you better read this! MARLOW MARLOW MARLOW MARLOW READ THIS NOW! oh and MARLOW! (that was my way of getting MARLOWS attention without her knowing...that didnt make sense, but i just want MARLOW to read this for sure because i am writing it just for her!) So here you go pumpkin (MARLOW) :
I promise promise promise promise that i will blog everyday just for you, so that you can keep up on what we are upto. I know i should be saying that i am also writing this for Caroline, but I know that there is less than a 0% chance that she will read this anytime soon:p (but caroline if you do, i love you for it:p). So anyway, Marlow i just wanted to say that all the blogs in the next 7 days will be just for your cute little minds benefit, because if mackie and ella blog along with me, im pretty sure we will all be talking about pretty much the exact same thing:p ooohhhh so much variety:p Oh and also, my dear pumpkin, you better keep me updated on whats happening at home:) Oh and if it is possible for you to skype us, i would be overjoyed! But if not possible, group phone calls get the job done:p So girly i have to go eat dinner, and pack my tropical suit case! xoxo see yall tomorrow!!!! (even ella!!!!!!!!!!!!) Oh and ps to MARLOW (to make sure you are still reading, because this is still just for you haha) ....make sure, MAKE SURE, to embarrass Koler for me!:p make his face turn beet red haha love yall xoxo torrey:)

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