Day By Day

Thursday, April 7, 2011

heavy shoulders

alright, well thanks for that torrey.  always appreciated. 
 i know none of you really care about my problems...but i am so angry.  soccer and track are like not cooperating with eachother.  and my parents suck balls at planning anything.  in life.  umm so apparently its chill to take two weeks off school? ya...okay. thanks for checking with me.  im fucked for that. and my mom...lets go to italy end of august.  sure.  umm soccer try outs? nbd.  "you'll just be on jv again! stop freaking out."  but she's a writer.  doesnt understand sports. so im like slowly getting myself out of that trip.  which saddens me, but i honestly care more about soccer...even if i do suck. but it's all i have.  ya ya ya im immersed in self pity. and today was such a good day! until school ended. cheer me up chaps!! 

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