Day By Day

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Weekends seriously need to be about five days longer.

Hello lovelies!
So this weekend was a pretty good time, no?
Friday was a poopin blast! ew. that sounded so gross. haha but it was! and I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY ABOUT SADIE AND ALEX BEING IN LOVE. It overjoys me. (am I allowed to say that? I dont give a fuck..) Ella and Caroline you shouldve come back...and marlow should not be a freaking busy bee and spend some time with her best friends :)
Saturday was poopy. I hate girls basketball.
And today was lovely...Marlow is a pretty lady who can dance her butt off :) but didn't come to dinner with us :( so we picked up sweet caroline and ej and had a grand ole time! haha except some spanish dude came over and told me he wanted to eat me in spanish? or at least that was nathans translation..hahahaha but his friends were cracking up soo....haha twas funny.

And I was recently informed that I do not gush enough. coughmarlowcough. But I don't even know what to say...I'm just a happy camper. Real happy. :)
I love you all to the sun and back..
mack :)

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