Day By Day

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

and when i have a half hour...i will go back and listen to alllll those songs! thank youu mackie.
life? is that what i should start rambling about? i'll start with yesterday...when i became so rudely awakened to the fact that we have already established but im just going to emphasize ONE MORE TIME...that mothertrucking semester tests are real soon. so. that's fun.

what ask? my new years resolutions perhhhhhaps?
aww and remember what we did last year? listed all the cool shtuff we accomplished. i liked those:)

1) stop biting my nails
2) facebook a little less.
3) do mo betta in math.
4) take more pictures
5) stop being so worried
6) love a little more.

and im sure there will be more...
but that is all for now.
x to the o and back again

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