Day By Day

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Make Friends

Hey world. And blog. I've missed you. So Second semester means a bit of a fresh start, which I was in need of. Today, i met a kid today named connor. He's from idaho. he goes to our school, and I always thought he was kind of a creepo. But he sat next to me in bio, and guess what?! He isnt creepy at all! Turns out he's really nice! So why am I telling you this, you ask? Because I just hate that I assumed he was weird because he didn't talk, and looked a but different. First impression I hard core judged this kid. Didn't even think twice about it. And I need to stop doing that. Seriously. I'm sure we can all think of a time when we've judged someone based upon conclusions we've drawn from what...clothes? Face? friends? And then been so wrong once you actuallllllly met them? Yeah. So my deep insightful blogpost of the day challenges you to go make a friend tomorrow. That's all--carry on: E

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