Day By Day

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Are you ready?

As already established, I love that song(: 
Anyway, I never posted on new years day!!! I feel bad, but thats okay. I am so happy it is a new year, and here are my resolutions: eat healthier (maybe less butter? ohh just a little), workout more (maybe i wont be SOO out of shape for...highjump...ha), and forget about men (maybe one in particular, or maybe just all men.). And im pretty sure I can do all of this in a year(: yay i just won a small victory with myself. Blah. Okay, moving on. 
Not to stress anyone out, but finals are in 11 days. I just died a little. 11 days. Soon to be 10. 10 whole days. Oh god. I feel sick just thinking about it! Of course, conflict and crisis i dont have to worry about, i can bomb it and still come out swinging. English should be pretty easy, because i pretty much just BS my way through it. Art easy, gym...maybe...i aced the one last year (luck luck luck!) and im doubting i will live up to my past accomplishment. Grr. Ill study for gym then. Umm math will be in between, i doubt it will be killer. Its cazzaza we are talking about. Science, well he said he will either do 2 essay questions, or many multiple choice. I am praying to the lord that they are essay questions, because i can BS and ramble all the way through. That wont be too bad. Then french, golly, i dont know what to expect. The test should be moderate, not  too bad, but still questionable. But the speaking, well last year i thought i sucked but she graded us SO easy, so hopefully she wont be as harsh as she says. ONLY PROBLEM: we have to know when to answer in past, present, or future. Oh lord. Well, when i break my schedule down it doesnt seem too bad. AHHH WISH ME LUCK ON MY MATH TEST TOMORROW! I JUST TAUGHT MYSELF HALF THE CHAPTER. CROSS YOUR FINGERS! love you all, and you just listened to me ramble about my tests. blah. i know. blah. 
anyway, love T

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