Day By Day

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Today was my kind of day

Today is just a happy kind of day. If today could be the rest of my life, I wouldn't object. It smells of summer at my house. My papa just mowed the lawn, and the skin on my knees is stained green. Every window in my house is wide open, and it kind of feels like the darkness is finally creeping away once again. I actually didnt realize how long this winter was! and summer is on the horizon, soon we will all be free!! i actually cant wait. and tor tor, in a few days we will get to hang like monkeys from trees! (that sounded way better in my head, but i dont even care!)

Ok i have a b in like all my classes. stupid orlando. (haha oh orlando, you know i didnt mean it, I love you:) I am actually excited for school, because that will get us that much closer to not having it! and i am pretty bored! also, i forgot my health permission slip at school, which is a bummer, but ella and tor dont forget yours if you read this! so i guess i will just see you lovely ladies tomorrow!
love you long time

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