Day By Day

Thursday, May 5, 2011

TIRED.  That's me.  But happy and relaxed! That's me too.  Overloaded with info about smoking.  Ya, that's me once again. (health homework...haha)  Okay so im ready to go back to Orlando...anyone else?
I can TASTE summer.  No actually, i had corn on the cob and steak (classic summer dinner).
So 25 days left? is that real? I am SOO excited for summer. Can you guys believe it??!!?!?!?!?!! we're almost 1/4 DONE with HiGhScHoOl.  But im not going to get ahead of myself. Cuz its still May, and there's not even a patch of ground showing on the MTN.  but green grass is everywhere! which makes me happy:))
And im listening to I Do.  Which is like extremely cute.  And I LOVE MY LIFE.
GOD. WE are LUCKY girls.
I reeeeerrrrrrrr-rrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy luuuuuhhhh you guys.

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